Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Inc. (ChADD)
4601 Presidents Drive, Suite 300
Lanham, MD 20706
Telephone: (301) 306-7070
Fax: (301) 306-7090
Attention Deficit Disorder Association
Telephone: (800) 939-1019
Books and Videos for Educators:
- Dendy CAZ: Teaching Teens With ADD, ADHD & Executive Function Deficits: A Quick Reference Guide for Teachers and Parents. Woodbine House, 2011.
- Dornbush, MP, Pruitt, SK: Tigers, Too:Executive Functions/Speed of Processing/Memory- Impact on Academic, Behavioral, and Social Functioning of Students with ADHD, Tourette Syndrome and OCD. Parkaire Press, 2009.
- Miller K: Thriving with ADHD Workbook for Kids: 60 Fun Activities to Help Children Self-Regulate, Focus, and Succeed. Althea Press, workbook edition, 2018.
- Packer, LE: Find a Way or Make a Way: Checklists for Accommodations for Students with ADHD, Executive Dysfunction, Mood Disorders, Tourette’s Syndrome, Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder, and Other Neurological Challenges. Parkaire Press, 2009.
- Packer LE, Pruitt SK: Challenging Kids, Challenged Teachers: Teaching Students with Tourette’s, Bipolar Disorder, Executive Dysfunction, OCD, ADHD, and More, Woodbine House, 2010.
- Rief S: How to Reach and Teach ADD/ADHD Children: Practical Techniques, Strategies, and Interventions for Helping Children with Attention Problems and Hyperactivity, 3rd edition.. Wiley, 2016.
There are numerous videos on ADHD in the classroom. One that we recommend is: Learning Disabilities and Social Skills- Last One Picked, First One Picked On (Educator Version). There is also a parent version of this video.
See the A.D.D. Warehouse for many books and videos, including some videos that you can view free on their site.
Books for Parents:
- Barkley RA: Taking Charge of ADHD, Third Edition: The Complete, Authoritative Guide for Parents. Guilford Press, 2013.
- Burdick D: Mindfulness for Kids with ADHD: Skills to Help Children Focus, Succeed in School, and Make Friends (Instant Help Books). Instant Help, 2018.
- Dendy CAZ: Teaching Teens With ADD, ADHD & Executive Function Deficits: A Quick Reference Guide for Teachers and Parents. Woodbine House, 2011.
- Hallowell EM: Superparenting for ADD: An Innovative Approach to Raising Your Distracted Child. Ballantine Books, 2010.
- Hutchinson B: 7 Crucial Tips For Parents and Teachers of Children with ADHD (Kindle edition).
- Packer LE, Pruitt SK: Challenging Kids, Challenged Teachers: Teaching Students with Tourette’s, Bipolar Disorder, Executive Dysfunction, OCD, ADHD, and More, Woodbine House, 2010.
- Roberts K: Movers, Dreamers, and Risk-Takers: Unlocking the Power of ADHD. Hazelden, 2012.
- Shapiro L: The ADHD Workbook for Kids: Helping Children Gain Self-Confidence, Social Skills, and Self-Control. Instant Help, 2010.
Books and Videos for Children or Teens:
- Honos-Webb L: The ADHD Workbook for Teens: Activities to Help You Gain Motivation and Confidence. Instant Help, 2011.
- Hoopmann K: All Dogs Have ADHD. Jessica Kingsley, 2008.
- Kraus J: Cory Stories: A Kid’s Book about Living with ADHD. Magination Press, 2004.
- Melmed R: Marvin’s Monster Diary: ADHD Attacks! (But I Rock It, Big Time): An ST4 Mindfulness Book for Kid. Familius, 2016.
- Nadeau KG, Dixon EB, Rose J: Learning to Slow Down and Pay Attention: A Book for Kids about ADD (3rd edition). Magination, 2004
- Shapiro L: The ADHD Workbook for Kids: Helping Children Gain Self-Confidence, Social Skills, and Self-Control. Instant Help, 2010.
- Taylor J: The Survival Guide for Kids With ADD or ADHD. Free Spirit Publishing, 2006.
Slow Processing Speed:
- Braaten E, Willoughby B: Bright Kids Who Can’t Keep Up: Help Your Child Overcome Slow Processing Speed and Succeed in a Fast-Paced World. The Guilford Press, 2014.
- FastForWord. In clinical experience at Parkaire Consultants using pre-post standardized testing, most students who comply with the protocol show an improvement of one standard deviation in processing speed. Unfortunately, despite our positive experiences using it, we cannot find controlled research that supports its use — or that refutes it.
- An overview on ADHD and Teen Driving
Resources on organizational skills and other executive functions are listed on the Executive Functions Resources page of this site.